In recent years, several North American cities such as Toronto, Chicago and New York have adopted legislation promoting the use of bird safe glass for commercial and institutional buildings.

In order to meet this growing demand, Groupe Prelco is launching the new Prel-AirSecur glass. This glass has an etched dot pattern on the outside and a low-e coating on the inside. The etched dots signal to birds the presence of a glazed surface, thus preventing collisions, while the low-E coating provides increased energy performance.

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada, “Window collisions are a significant threat to migratory birds. In Canada, window collisions kill 16 to
42 million birds a year. In the United States, collisions kill 365 to 988 million birds per year. It is one of the top sources of human-caused bird mortality, despite being easily preventable.”

Contemporary architectural trends favour the design of buildings with large glass surfaces, while new energy efficiency regulations require increasingly efficient glazing. With its oversized format and choice of low-e coatings, Prel-AirSecur glass meets the multiple market requirements while ensuring the protection of avian wildlife.

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