Security Glass

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Anti-Burglary Glass

Prelco offers two levels of Anti-Burglary Glass:

Prel-Protect against Burglary

  • Provides protection against an unplanned offence, carried out by one or more individuals who have limited time and resources
  • Protects against raids after breaking shop windows such as break-ins at retail spaces or private residences

Prel-Protect against Physical Attack

  • Provides protection against prolonged attacks by one or more highly motivated individuals who have time and significant resources
  • Counters attacks with blunt weapons such as mallets, hammers, baseball bats, etc.
  • Meets the Standards HPW-TP-0500.03 and ASTM


  • Provides protection against burglary and physical attacks
  • Provides a permanent passive protection that can slow an attacker’s ability to enter the building’s interior or the area to be protected
  • Here are some things to take into consideration when choosing Anti-Burglary glass:
    – The type of building and the nature of the activity taking place there: retail business, detention centre, psychiatric hospital, etc.
    – Presence of security guards and rapid response capacity
    – The number of attackers and their level of motivation
    – The type of attack: perpetrated with or without blunt objects


Prel-Protect against Burglary
  • Store windows showcasing valuable objects
  • Building windows exposed to vandalism
  • Checkpoints and public management areas
  • Residences that contain valuable goods
  • Etc.
Prel-Protect against Physical Attack
  • Detention centres, police stations and courthouses
  • Government and military buildings
  • Psychiatric hospitals
  • Financial institutions
  • Etc.


Consult the tools section for all our documentation.


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