Insulating Glass

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Heating Glass

Prel-Therm Heated Glass consists of double or triple-insulated glass units, including one lite with a layer of conductive metal oxides connected to a source of electricity by conducting bars a conductive layer. When the electricity is turned off, the unit acts as a regular insulated glass unit. When the electricity is turned on, it produces radiant heat.


  • Provides ultimate comfort in spaces with large windows, no matter the season
  • Works well in any season with the addition of a Low-e glass and argon gas
  • Eliminates the problem of condensation and frost in spaces where the humidity is particularly high
  • Consumes little energy and does not require any maintenance
  • Controlled by a thermostat with thermal sensor readings.  If the heated glass units are placed on different face of a building, it is recommended that a thermostat be installed on each outer wall.
  • Must be installed by a qualified electrician (for electrical connection)
  • Measures the standard thickness of insulated glass units for ICI (industrial, commercial and institutional) buildings—25 mm—with two lites of 6 mm glass and an air space of 13 mm. Other configurations are available to meet certain specific requirements.

Standards and Certifications

CSA C22.2 – Electric Air-Heaters, UL 962 – Household and Commercial Furnishings, IGMA – Certification Program

Component Options


Clear, ultraclear, tinted (grey, bronze, green, blue, etc.), Low-e


LPS stainless steel

Gas filling

Argon or air


Vertical Glazing

Punch windows, curtain walls, solariums, greenhouses, exterior glazing of businesses, restaurants, indoor pools and spas.

Sloped Glazing

Skylights, canopies, etc.


Consult the tools section for all our documentation.



*Maximum insulated glass unit dimensions are determined by a number of factors, such as their thickness, weight, ratio of width/height, application and loads (ex. wind and snow). Maximum, achievable, dimensions do not imply that sealed units manufactured to these dimensions will meet all laws, rules, regulations and other requirements. It is up to the user to ensure that the products they order are suitable for their intended use.

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